SiT Retreats

A safe space for rest and renewal from trauma.

Sanctuary of HOPE

We seek to balance our retreats with rest, refreshment, and reflections. They are limited to just a few women so we can invest in each one personally.

Retreats are hosted in airbnb type homes. All meals and mentoring take place in the common areas. Gluten & diary-free options available. No alcohol allowed.

Suggested donation is $24 for a 24 hour retreat; the remaining cost of the retreat is donated by caring and generous donors.

Provide a Healing Space

Do you own a vacation home, rental property, or retreat space? You can create a safe and welcoming place for women walking through trauma to experience rest, renewal, and the hope of Christ. By offering your property, you’ll help us host retreats that provide the healing and peace these women need.

Interested in partnering with us? Fill out our Retreat Location Donation Form to share your property details. Together, we can create spaces where God’s love transforms lives.

“My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.”

– Isaiah 32:18