Think on These Things

Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.


Sometimes, we feel like an island, and no one understands or cares. Our weariness or overwhelm allows our minds to dwell on the negative, and we lump everyone, including God, into a neglectful category. Here, Paul is addressing the church in Philippi, and he begins with “brothers and sisters.” He is encouraging them to keep their minds on the things that build up and strengthen. Let’s consider those things.

First, our thoughts should be on what is true and noble. Reading and meditating on the Word can give us examples and exhortations as to what is true. Throughout the book of Psalms, David lays out his woes and fears but always comes back to the truth of who God is and His power. In Proverbs, there are absolute truths about living among other people. If we focus on truth more than feelings or opinions, we will move toward Paul’s exhortation to the church of Philippi. As we think of Jesus’ life and example, we realize our noble thoughts should be those that focus on honoring, respecting, and dignifying others. We are to highly esteem others and have compassion beyond our personal convenience or agenda. Our noble thoughts will inform our noble actions.

In righteousness and purity, if we do a broad sweep and compare to the world, most of us are doing just fine. But could we say the same if we look to Jesus’ example or the high calling of leaders throughout the Word of God? A key factor in evaluation is to invite the Lord into the process. Jeremiah 17:9-10 says our hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked, and only God can know them. Psalm 139 says He knows our thoughts even before we think them. So we should pray and ask Him to help us to evaluate the area of righteous and pure thinking.

When identifying what is excellent or praiseworthy, our thoughts should automatically turn to God. Isaiah 6:3 tells us the whole earth is full of His glory; Revelations 4:8 tells us He was, is, and is to come; and Psalm 145 is a beautiful description of how He graciously loves His children. Taking time to meditate on these passages allows us to fill our minds with Him. Filling our hearts and minds with descriptions of who He is and what He has done will allow us to consider what is excellent and praiseworthy!

Consider your thoughts this week. Are they true, noble, righteous, pure, excellent, and praiseworthy?


Lord, sometimes circumstances and pain tell me I’m alone and no one cares. Please help me internalize truth and keep my thoughts honorable and focused on Christ-like kindness and goodness.

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