Determine Your Mindset

Romans 12:1-2

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”


When our life circumstances seem completely unfair, the call to be a “living sacrifice” can be difficult to hear. Our society screams, “be all that you can be, make your own destiny, you do you.” In this world run by the “me” culture, the words living sacrifice seem oxymoronic. And yet, that is exactly what God has called us to be, and He has intricately designed each of us with a need for divine intervention.

No matter how old we are, where we live, or how in tune we are to God, every day of our lives we have needed Him. He has given and sustained breath in our lungs. Every day of our lives the sun has risen and gone down by His divine authority. And, even for those who reject and mock Him, or are blinded to Him, He has been faithful. We live and move, and have our being by His divine intervention and mercy. (Acts 17:28) When we have been given such a gift, it only makes sense we should give something in return. A “living sacrifice” seems so wanting, and yet the Lord calls it our worship.

As Jesus lived with breath in His lungs on this earth, He did the very thing we are instructed to do. He lived a holy, acceptable life to God. So much so, that He laid down His sinless life as a sacrifice for our sin (Philippians 2:5-8). And here in Romans 12, He tells us how to live in a world that vies for our hearts, minds, and activities. “Don’t conform to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” It takes daily discipline to transform our worldview. It takes obedient choices to give up sin or priorities that seek our focus. It takes study to know how to resist the pull of the world mindset.

It’s counter cultural. We will be different than those around us. We may need to give up some worldly pleasures and sin that seems joy-filled in this moment. We may have to reassess how we have bought into the “me” culture. But, as we release our hold on this world and walk in obedience to Him, we can live with the knowledge that our lives represent His good, acceptable and perfect will. The best this world can offer is temporary, and often, broken spaces. God offers an eternal plan that is for our good and His glory.

No matter where your life circumstances have you today, are you willing to be a living sacrifice for Him?


Lord, sacrifice is not what I would choose as a life goal. And yet, You came as my sacrifice. Help me, by Your mercies, to present my life as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to You. 

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