Grow in Discernment

John 14:25-26

“These things I have spoken to you while being present with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.”


When difficult things come into our lives, there is a process in which we need the ability to discern wisely. There are often pressing questions, and the answers may not have an easy resolution. It is crucial we have a solid movement forward.

Webster’s dictionary defines discernment as “The ability to understand something that is not clear.” We are not all knowing; not all things will be clear to us. There can be a learning curve in various situations, and we need the humility to admit we don’t have all the answers. In those times, we can call on the Lord and allow Him to walk us through the process of seeing the great and mighty things He has done (Jer 33:3). As He reveals his power through testimonies of Scripture, we can be assured He hears, and He will help us (Is 41.13). And the Holy Spirit is here, within us as believers, to remind us of all the truths of Scripture (John 14:26). That is a beautiful place to begin.

KEY TO GROWTH: Read the stories of the Bible (1 Cor 10:1-11). Not everyone in Scripture made a perfect decision. The majority didn’t. We can learn from God’s response and instruction to them and make wiser decisions because of their testimony.

Another definition from Webster is “The power to see what is not obvious to the average mind.” There are times when we need a power that is not our own to see beyond what the average mind can see. In those times, we need a prayerful heart, a quiet agenda, and a willing ear to listen. God will reveal His will and purpose as we wait on Him (Is 30:21). In these moments that can seem impossible, we have to remember we do not live by bread alone or perfect provision or plotted plans. We live by every word that comes out of the mouth of God (Matt 4:4). What this means to our unsettled brain is God’s Word has sufficient answers for our wrestle today. Whether it addresses our heart, our longings, failures, or fears, we can rest assured that staying in God’s Word will reveal the truth, which can give peace even in the midst of uncertainty (Is 26:3).

KEY TO GROWTH: Walk by the Spirit (Gal 5:16-26). Don’t try to do it alone, but seek to be obedient step by step to the leading of the Spirit.

Consider reviewing a few stories from the Bible and gleaning discernment this week.

Are there things you let into your home under the guise of entertainment that carry Satan’s characteristics?


Lord, ultimately, my discernment comes from the Holy Spirit living in me. Please help me be sensitive to His instruction and guidance. As a ready listener and receiver of Your Word, allow me to divide the Word of truth rightly.

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