Patterns of Defeat
Ephesians 5:15-16
“See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil.”
Redeeming time is a serious consideration as we journey through life. When we endure trauma or hardship, what does our life reflect? Do we show defeat, or do we walk in confidence? When circumstances overwhelm us, it’s easy to feel like there’s no point in trying. Some days, even putting one foot in front of the other feels pointless. So why keep pressing forward?
In John 16, Jesus warned His disciples that they would face hardships, rejection, and even death (v. 2). Then, He told them that He—the Messiah they trusted—would be leaving them (v. 5-6). They had envisioned an uprising where He would reign supreme and they would share in His victory. Their efforts to follow Him felt like they were leading to a triumphant cause. Can you imagine their crushing disappointment? Not only would people reject their message, but their Savior would no longer be with them. Everything they had believed and hoped for seemed to shatter.
But Jesus outlined a plan that still applies to us today. Though He would no longer be with them physically, God’s presence would remain. The Holy Spirit would come and guide them into all truth (v. 5-15). In John 16:33, Jesus told them to take heart—to walk in peace, not defeat, even in pain and sorrow. He reminded them that He had already won the ultimate victory—their faith was not in vain, and their trust remained secure.
These same truths apply to us today. Does your life reflect defeat, or trust in Jesus’ victory? Can you say there is quiet peace and confident joy in Christ amid your difficulties? Are you holding fast to His truth, walking in faith and love? The Holy Spirit remains with us—our source of strength and hope. We are not alone, and we are not defeated (2 Timothy 1:13-14).
It’s easy to grieve what could have been, but let’s redeem the time by focusing on what God is doing in our hardships. He is still at work.
Are you willing to release what should have been and embrace what He still has for you?
Lord, please help me pause to evaluate the patterns in my life. Give me discernment and a humble heart to receive the reality of my patterns and the confidence to walk in trust of You.